3 Social Media Updates For Businesses This Week | +1 Golden Google Tip
Sarah HShare
Hey again, business nerd 🐵 Ready for the newest updates for your business to benefit from? Check out these 4 Hot New Updates:
Schedule Stories On Facebook and IG and New Business Discovery Options
Facebook has announced the addition of some interesting new features for its Business Suite management platform:
Schedule Facebook and IG Stories within the planning element on FB:

In addition to this, Facebook's looking to add a new business discovery element, via related Page recommendations under posts in the News Feed.

This will highlight related content from Facebook Pages when users scroll down their feeds - they'll then be able to tap through on a new feed listing of images from Pages they may be interested in.
TikTok Shares Insights on Older Users Engagements on the Platform
TikTok has shared some new data on how older people are using the platform to stay connected, and how brands can tap into these trends to maximize their campaign performance.
TikTok says, many parents are sharing "tips, tricks, and in-depth knowledge" on the platform, which has become a key niche both for entertainment and product recommendations.
So what products are parents looking for on the platform?
"Compared to TikTok users who are in the same age group but don’t have children, TikTok parents are more likely to post about home appliances, snack products, business, cars and grocery products."

There could be new opportunities - and with TikTok poised to hit a billion users in 2021, rivaling Instagram, it looks like it's becoming a more important platform moving forward!
Instagram Will Enable Users to Choose Whether They Want to Hide Post Likes
Instagram chief Adam Mosseri has now officially confirmed the launch of a new test that will enable IG users to choose whether they display post Like counts or not within the app.
As outlined by Mosseri:
"Last year we started hiding like counts for a small group of people to see if it lessens some pressure when posting to Instagram. Some found this helpful and some still wanted to see like counts, in particular to track what’s popular. So we’re testing a new option that lets you decide the experience that’s best for you – whether that’s choosing not to see like counts on anyone else’s posts, turning them off for your own posts, or keeping the original experience."

Three alternatives will be made available:
- Hiding Like counts on other people's posts
- Switching off Like counts on your own posts
- Keeping full Like counts in the app
Mosseri notes that they're looking to test the same on Facebook.
Google Launches New Overview of Pandemic Trends, Based on Google Search Volume
This is interesting - Google has launched a new overview of what it's calling ‘lockdown trends’, a daily overview of the hobbies and interests that saw the biggest increases in search volume over the last year.

As you can see here, the listing provides a day-by-day calendar view on the left, which, when clicked, gives you info (on the right) as to what hobby or interest saw the biggest increase in search volume on that day.
You can also search by category, highlighting the noted daily interests in specific segments, or you can search by topic in the query field.

You can also see what shows up in Google's search results for each hobby by tapping on the hobby name in the graph, taking you through to the relevant Search engine.
It's an interesting look at what's been trending over the past year, which could help by providing guidance to your marketing efforts.
The listings can also help open your mind to new opportunities. There may be some fun accessories somehow related to your business, or some home activities that align with certain messaging. Make sure to keep an eye!
That's all for this week! See you next week, same day - same time 😉